The Prodigal Son – UK visit

Instagram image of St Cathrines Hill in the market town of Frome, Somerset, UK. During sunset. (Philip Hill/Phil Hill)

Back in the U,U,UK (Beatles reference).

Welcomed by the clawing cold air of an unusually bitter month of March, one of the coldest in years I’m told, at least not the fault of my Australian climate-spoilt body then. Greeted in turn by Heathrow, which is always like a disapproving relative as you move through the motions of baggage claim, passport control and customs. Actually, the worst of it was the baggage belt, I breezed through the rest with my chipped to the gills British EU passport, a nice change to the drawn out stamping ceremonies at non-European Union airports (I like stamps though).

I haven’t seen England for over 18 months, coming from Australia it’s like walking into a monochrome version of what I remember it, white sky and leafless trees, far from what I’m used to.

On the plus side the ‘green and pleasant land’ is still very green and always pleasant; the food, public transport, and the pints are noticeably better value. And without a doubt it’s nice to see every one again.

UK Gallery | British Instagrams | The Prodigal Son – Greenham Common | I Don’t Like Cricket  | Tumblr Postcards

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