My Response
This is the view from my bedroom window at home. I lead a busy life, balancing my career, and the wonderful demands of my 2 year old daughter. The overgrown spider plant, an unmade bed, and a dirty window of the rented house, that I live in with my wife and daughter are reflective of this!
25/09/19 – Reflecting after considering the presentations and reading
The image I chose to present was taken far back in the room to put more emphasis on the interior, or ‘this side’ of the window. An important omission as I felt that I wanted to show how busy my life is in a simplistic way and also provide some kind of background to me. It was also an opportunity to show others my hectic world, as we are all about to start the process of the MA. Deliberate too, was the fact that I did not really feature the view out through the window, or the ‘other side’ of the window as it is a view I am not particularly fond of: a busy through road, in the town where I live in a rented home, that is also a little rundown. The image could be considered as a mirror* in that sense; my decision to step back into the room says more, actually, about me and my situation than making a comment on the outside world – what I hoped to convey about myself.
- *Alexander, J. (2019). Week 1 Presentation 2: The Global Image – Windows On The World.