6th Meeting 14/07

Date of Supervision Meeting14/07/21
Start time of Meeting10:00
Length of Meeting in minutes30 mins
Meeting Notes & Action PointsIt was good to catch up with Wendy and go through the progress that I have made with my project. With the latest revelations of the work, it will be important to let this sit and be fully absorbed to see where the work develops. However, I set out to find an answer to a question and have ended up getting an answer so it is now important to see how this works with the work and not let it get too fixed down. Wendy enjoys the openness of the work and this is something that should remain within the edit that I put together. How image and text work together will play a crucial role in this.It was suggested that I take a look at the work of Lisa Barnard and also re-visit Jack Latham’s talk. It was also suggested that I go back and write a new project descriptor to define what my project is now. Themes of redemption and how potential that circle of trauma had been broken leading to how we live today, which I am going to research much more. It is important that I ‘Pull myself back to intentionality.’
I will continue to talk with book designer with the next meeting planned tomorrow and start to document this part of the process. Wendy reminded me that the submission is merely an iteration in which the project can continue to develop
Date of Next Proposed Meeting4/8/21

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