This week I have paired with Kimberley Barry to set each other a micro project. Looking at the delivery for this week, I consider how to include elements of constraint and serendipity into the project brief that I set Kim:
- Using the 2 hour time constraint.
- I want you to take a walk. Somewhere you walk often but do not stop to consider the environment.
- Take one image every ten minutes along the route until you have 6 images in total (taking half the allotted time).
- Reflect and review the images that you have taken. Consider which ones might work well together.
- Go back and aim to refine/improve these images to submit for your project
This is the project brief that I was set by Kim:
- Choice of constraint was distance.
- Using a 50mm or less lens take 6-8 images using liquid.
- The choice of liquid is completely down to you (oil. Water) be as creative as your want.
- Use lights, surfaces, gravity.
Looking at photographing liquid – Mood board

I am thinking that I would like to explore this micro project in a similar way that Wolfgang Tillmans did in his ‘Paper Drop’ series

The Result:

I liked the idea using Kim’s constraint of ‘Distance’ and used liquids that do not really mix: Water, Oil, Balsamic Vinegar, Wine, Milk. The images were shot on a flat surface and carefully put together. I back lit these using my speedlite.
I am quite pleased with the result. I especially liked the thin highlight running along the edge of the liquids surface tension.