Date of Supervision Meeting | 20/04/21 |
Start time of Meeting | 12:30 |
Length of Meeting in minutes | 35 minutes |
Meeting Notes & Action Points | Useful discussion about how the project is developing to consider the idea of belief, which meant that I have a way of approaching respectful representation of persons depicted in the work. I have some work to do to tie in some of this new work with the existing images and if it should be a development away from the original. Writing will also be useful to properly contextualise the project. – I suggested that my outcome could include differences between each version in order to undermine the reading of it, which was supported by Wendy and suggested this is the way we individually read the family album. – Zoe Leonard would be useful to look at in the way that she utilises false narratives – Susan Hiller in the way that she considers ideas of belief – Marina Warner – Phantasmogoria |
Date of Next Proposed Meeting | 16/06/21 @12:00 |