3rd Meeting 16/03

Date of Supervision Meeting16/03/21
Start time of Meeting12:30
Length of Meeting in minutes35 minutes
Meeting Notes & Action PointsIt was useful to show the progress of my project and the experiments that I have been working on in relation to my family archive.

– We briefly discussed the portfolio review with Mariamma Attah, which was incredibly useful in the ways that she encouraged and challenged my work. Wendy encouraged me to review her keynote lecture to consolidate the points she made during the review. 

– In particular, about the future of photography being collaborative

– I need to work towards identifying people to work with on the project.

– Review Seba Kurtis work.

– The experimentation is a really good way to move forward with the project at this stage and I should continue doing so

– It would be worth getting the work printed out to start creating some sequencing and reviewing how the work is starting to fit and come together.
Date of Next Proposed Meeting20/04/21

2nd Meeting 23/02

Date of Supervision Meeting23/02/21
Start time of Meeting12:30
Length of Meeting in minutes35 minutes
Meeting Notes & Action PointsPositive feedback received for my project proposal and there were a number of suggestions for practitioners and guest lecturers to look at in relation to archive and the family album:
– Pat Martin: most recent edition of Foam magazine
– Tom Seymour: Guest Lecture on sharing work
– Diana Markosia
– Jacque Derrida – Archive Fever
– Zoe Leonard – Fictional Archive
– Sophie Calle – in relation to unreliable narrators
– Sara Davidman

I was encouraged to review a number of the guest lectures and also consider how I might position myself in relation to working with archive and family albums. I also intend to start reaching out to other practitioners to gain feedback on my concepts.
Date of Next Proposed Meeting16/03/21

1st meeting 26/01

Date of Supervision Meeting26/01/21
Start time of Meeting12:30
Length of Meeting in minutes30
Meeting Notes & Action PointsThis was the first meeting with Wendy and we discussed the content of my pecha kucha presentation. It was suggested that I take a look at the work of Gideon Mendel because of the way that he uses objects in his series ‘Dzhangal’ and also the Jack Latham guest lecture because of the way that he creates a kind of detective story with his approach to projects. Both these photographers work in a documentary way but challenge what it means to produce work like this. 

I should also pay special attention to Anthony Prothero’s case study as there are some similarities to consider in relation to the ideas of reality and fiction that my work has hinted at.

Photographers and writing to look at:

– Ed Clark (Guest Lecture)
– Gideon Mendel (Dzhangal series)
– Dana Lixemburg – Imperial Courts series
– Daniel Blight – An Image of Whiteness

I should also start to consider the ways in which I can share my work and should look at making contact with some relevant organisations. For example: Grain. I should also aim to keep two or three strands to the project open at once, especially owing to the current situation. What is possible to photograph with the current restrictions.
Date of Next Proposed Meeting23/02/21 12:30